Installing Python and Jupyter#
Download Miniconda#
There are many ways to install python for use on your machine. One of the most popular ways is to use Anaconda - a distribution of Python designed for data science. Anaconda contains many programs that may not be applicable to your application. Miniconda, on the other hand, is a paired-down version of Anaconda that allows you to install new modules as you need them. As a result, it takes up far less storage on your machine. Miniconda will include Python (the programming language) and conda (the package manager).
To download Miniconda, navigate to and choose a Conda Installer that pertains to your system. For Windows machines, the majority of machines are 64-bit. For MacOS, choose the pkg file which pertains to your chip (see HERE).
Set up a conda environment#
After you have downloaded miniconda, set up a conda environment. Begin by opening up a terminal of your choice. On Windows, you can open the “Anaconda Prompt” application by searching for it in the start menu. On Mac, you can open a standard Terminal in the Applications/Utilities directory.
With your terminal open, create a conda environment called cs185c with Python version 3.11 using the following command:
conda create --name cs185c python=3.11
By default, conda will automatically activate a “base” environment on your machine. To disable this behavior, you may want to run the following:
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
Now, activate your environment as follows:
conda activate cs185c
Every time you use your environment, you will need to activate it from the command line.
Next, download the pertinent modules required for this course:
conda install numpy
conda install matplotlib
conda install netcdf4
conda install xarray
conda install jupyter
conda install cartopy
conda install git
conda install conda-forge::ffmpeg
conda install conda-forge::moviepy
conda install conda-forge::cmocean
If any of the conda installations don’t work, you can specify the source directly. For example, cmocean
and moviepy
are both available via conda-forge
conda install conda-forge::cmocean
conda install conda-forge::moviepy
Finally, configure your environment to use in a jupyter notebook.
On MacOS, use:
python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=cs185c
On Windows, use:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=cs185c