Getting Familiar with Unix Environments#

This page is designed to provide an introduction to Unix-type shell commands. On MacOS, the standard Terminal is zsh (as of 2019) which is a Unix-type shell. On Windows, the cygwin project provides a Unix-like environment that uses the same commands.

Summary of Commands#

The commands introduced in this page are summarized in the following table for convenience:



Commonly-Used Options


Obtains the present working directory


Lists the contents of the present working directory

-l (verbose); -a (show hidden)


Changes directory to a different location


Copies files from one location to another

-r (recursively copy from directories)


Links one file to another

-s (symbolic)


Print contents of a file to the terminal


Print contents of the start of a file

-n (number of lines)


Print contents of the end of a file

-n (number of lines)


Make a directory


Removes file(s) from the system

-r (recursively remove from directories)


Remove directory

-R (remove a directory and all of the files inside of it)


Getting Started#

To get started with this introductory tutorial, use the following steps:

  1. Download the example file set from the Github repository for this book and unzip it.

  2. Open the Unix shell you use on your machine.

The model_config_example directory contains several subdirectories containing various files in the following format:

Model File Structure

This directory structure mimics the typical structure used for MITgcm models.

Copying and Linking Files#

Copying Files#

Files can be copied with the cp command (short for copy). The syntax for the copy command is to first list the path of the file to copy and then the destination for that file. For example, suppose you are in the run directory and would like to copy the file eedata from folder namelist. In this case, the copy can be completed with:

cp ../namelist/eedata eedata

The first argument is the source file and the second is the destination file. If you want the file name to stay the same, then you can optionally provide a directory. For example, you can use the . symbol to indicate the current directory as the destination as:

cp ../namelist/eedata .

Just like with file paths, wildcards can be used to copy multiple files at once that follow the same pattern.

πŸ€” Try it for yourself:#

Copy all files from namelist that start with data to the run directory:

πŸ’‘ Solution:#

Top copy all of the files starting with the characters data from the namelist directory to the current directory, use cp ../namelist/data* .

Linking Files#

Often we would like files to be in multiple locations at the same time. For example, two different models may rely on the same underlying data. In this case, we don’t need two complete copies of the data - each model just needs to know where the data located. In these circumstances, a symbolic link is desirable.

We can symbolicly link files with the ln -s command. For example, suppose we wanted to link the bathymetry.bin file from the input directory into the run directory. In this case, we could use

ln -s ../input/bathymetry.bin .
πŸ€” Try it for yourself:#

Link the rest of the folders and files from the input directory into your run directory.

πŸ’‘ Solution:#

To see what other files are in the input directory, we can use the ls ../input command.

After discovering the names of the three other items, we can use

  • ln -s ../input/exf .,

  • ln -s ../input/obcs ., and

  • ln -s ../input/tile001.mitgrid ..

Making and Editing Files and Directories#

Editing Files#

We can make and edit files with a variety of different editors that often come pre-installed on command line interfaces.

One popular editor is the nano editor which can be opened with the nano command. For example, we can create and edit a README.txt file with the following call:

nano README.txt

The nano text editor will open in the terminal directly and will have the following appearance.

The Nano Text Editor

You can edit the text in the file directly. Then, when your edits are complete, use CTRL-X to save and exit.

Alternatively, we can use our native text editors to edit files directly. To create a file, we can use the touch command.

touch notes.txt

Then, in MacOS, we can use TextEdit open and edit this file with

open -a TextEdit notes.txt

Similarly, on Windows, we can use the Notepad program with:

notepad.exe notes.txt
πŸ€” Try it for yourself:#

Create a file called notes.txt and add some notes to the file.

To see the text that the file contains, you can use cat:

cat README.txt

The code above returns the following contents, assuming that the file was created with nano as shown above:

This file contains information about the model configuration

To see just the start of the file, you can use head:

head README.txt

To see just the end of the file, you can use tail:

tail README.txt

Creating Directories#

Directories can also be creates and removed using tools on the command line.

To make a directory, we use use the mkdir command (short for make directory). For example, suppose you wanted to make a directory called diags. This can be achieved with

mkdir diags

Shell Profiles#

Each shell has a given profile - a script that is automatically run when you open a terminal. For example, the default terminal on MacOS is zshell which has the default shell profile in the .zshrc file. Similarly, bash shells have profiles in .bashrc and/or .bash_profile. Note that the . in front of each file ensures that the file is hidden.

All shell profiles should be placed in your home directory.

You can see your hidden profile in your home directory using the -a flag on the ls command with:

ls -a $HOME

To edit your profile, you can use the nano editor as described above.

πŸ€” Try it for yourself:#

Add a welcome message for yourself in your profile. Then, open a new terminal window to double check that your profile is working.

πŸ’‘ Solution:#

Use your favorite text editor to open your profile file. Then, use the echo command to print a message, e.g. echo "Welcome Mike".

Deleting Files and Directories#

We can delete files with the rm command - short for remove. For example, if we no longer wanted the temporary note that we made before, we could remove it with

rm tmp_note.txt


Deleting files in a Unix Environment is PERMANENT. There is no Trash or Recycle bin and there will not be a note asking you if you’re sure you would like to delete that file. Before using the rm command, be sure to think for an extra second or two about what you intend to do.

To remove a directory, such as diags, we can use the similar rmdir command as

rmdir diags

One caveat (or perhaps safety net) of this command is that the directory must be empty before it is deleted. If you would like to remove the directory and all of the files inside of it, you can use the recursive option for the command as

rmdir -r diags

Again, caution should be used with deleting directories because the contents cannot be recovered after they are gone.

πŸ€” Try it for yourself:#

Suppose you made some changes to the exf package and need to recompile the model to reflect these changes. Remove all exf files from the build directory.

πŸ’‘ Solution:#

rm ../build/exf*